Montgomery County Genealogical Society
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Investigative Genetic Genealogy – the Use of DNA for Law Enforcement by Diahan Southard
Wednesday, February 26
Investigative Genetic Genealogy – the Use of DNA for Law Enforcement by Diahan Southard  (Monthly Educational Meetings)
7:30 pm to 9:00 pm
Via Zoom
Diahan Southard has given us permission to air this Webinar which she presented in November 2021.  Diahan will not be joining us but we will hear the questions and answers from the original presentation. The meeting is for members only via Zoom.  No recording of the meeting will be available. A Zoom link will be sent to members a week before the meeting and a reminder the day before via our newsgroup at 
“During this fun hour, you’ll join the fictional genetic genealogy team of The Chester Creek Murders, by Nathan Dylan Goodwin, who chase a criminal using his DNA matches. In the process, you’ll learn DNA sleuthing strategies that can help you track down your own elusive ancestors.
“Diahan Southard knows firsthand what a difference it can make to know where you came from. What started off as an educational and career interest in genetic genealogy became deeply personal when she used DNA to discover her mom’s birth parents and connect with new relatives. Now she has 20+ years of genetic genealogy experience. She built her company, Your DNA Guide, to show that learning DNA doesn’t have to be intimidating, frustrating, or require a college degree in biology. Her goal is to teach you to “Do the DNA”–and feel confident and have fun in the process! Diahan teaches internationally, writes for popular magazines, authored Your DNA Guide–The Book, and produces Your DNA Guide–the Academy, an online learning experience.”
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